This NGO Is Building A Disability Resource Center For Children. Donate To Support
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This NGO Is Building A Disability Resource Center For Children. Donate To Support

DEW Africa Foundation is a non governmental organisation working in rural Ghana to provide sustainable solutions to many social problems to alleviate poverty.

Our core priority is involving communities and  supporting them to solve their own problems, the way forward for sustainable solutions.

Giving aid to persons with disabilities (PwDs) is one of our priorities.We care, educate and train all kinds of disabled people to give them a better life.

We run numerous community disability projects, with the help of our Volunteers we provide home care for our disabled children and adults. In providing Home Care our Volunteers visit the PwDs daily in their homes to help wash their clothes, play with them, change their diapers and general care.

We educate these communities on disability issues, provide mobile support and promote their well-being.

We are currently mobilizing funds through fundraising to build a disability Center for the disabled in the Volta Region of Ghana and  surrounding districts.

About the fundraising and how you can support

Duker Family Disability Care Centre:
Introduction :

The plight of Ghana’s disabled population isn’t a good one. Children with different forms of disabilities find it very difficult to be inclusive.

Sometimes they are abandoned by families and friends because most believed, they are cursed and have no value to the family.

Government does not have any laid down plan for disabled children.

In some regions,there are few resource centres to educate and care for disabled children but due to lack of resources, only few disabled children are  cared for.

As a result, the right to education for these children is overlooked in the country.

Dew Africa Foundation:
As a child based charity running number of schools for less advantaged children and promoting the right of education in Ghana, we have decided on supporting disabled children in terms of education.

After a thorough researche in Kpando,  and South Dayi district with about 210 disability children in the voltage region of Ghana,we have realised that there is a need for at least one disability resource centre to educate,and promote healthy living and basic right of all children with disabilities.

For many years now, no organisation nor government institution have planned of such an initiative and when achieved shall be the first and only centre to host very large number of disabled children ever to start basic education in the 3 districts.

Some of these children are cripple, deaf and dumb and blind.

There shall be standard classrooms for basic education,dormitories,physiotherapy room and small clinic of health and nurses volunteers and special resource personnel.

The foundation will work with department of social welfare,Ghana education service,local and international volunteers to run the school daily.

The centre shall run a curriculum from Ghana education service and ensure that all courses are the same taught in regular schools.

Children who need special care shall stay termly and go back home to join family after every semester.

Number of children to benefit is 250 children.

Future plan:
Most of these children could continue their education to higher level.Some could be artisans or learn handiworks,therefore the plan is to establish a vocational centre in the future attached to the centre

The centre is to start as soon as possible as fund are available. Currently there is no funding available except donations from individuals which we are using to clear the land donated by the community.

Click on this link to donate –

or call – 0558607686

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